
Collecting Cigars:

A Connoisseur’s Guide to an Elegant Hobby

Collecting cigars is a refined hobby that combines the pleasures of tobacco with the art of craftsmanship and the thrill of discovery. For many enthusiasts, cigars are more than just a form of relaxation—they represent history, tradition, culture, and an appreciation for fine, handcrafted products. Whether you’re drawn to their rich flavors, unique aromas, or the stories behind each brand, cigar collecting offers a satisfying experience for those with a passion for luxury and quality. In this article, we'll explore why people collect cigars, the different types of cigars worth collecting, and how to start and maintain your own collection.


Why Collect Cigars?

Appreciation of Craftsmanship:
Premium cigars are handcrafted products made from carefully selected tobacco leaves, often aged for years to develop complex flavors and aromas. Collectors appreciate the skill, tradition, and artistry involved in crafting each cigar, from the cultivation of the tobacco to the rolling process.


Exploration of Flavors and Aromas:
Each cigar is a unique blend of tobacco that can offer a wide range of flavors and aromas, from earthy and woody to spicy, sweet, and floral. Collectors enjoy discovering new flavor profiles, understanding how different regions and growing conditions affect the taste, and comparing notes with other aficionados.


Connection to History and Culture:
Cigars have a long and storied history, often associated with notable figures, political movements, and significant events. Collectors appreciate the cultural heritage of cigars, particularly those from famous regions like Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua.


Investment Potential:
Like fine wine, some cigars can appreciate in value over time. Rare, limited-edition, or vintage cigars, especially those produced by renowned brands, can become valuable collectibles sought after by other enthusiasts.


Personal Enjoyment and Relaxation:
For many collectors, cigars are a source of personal enjoyment and relaxation. Smoking a cigar is often a contemplative ritual, providing a moment of pause and reflection. The act of curating a collection can enhance this experience, allowing enthusiasts to tailor their selection to suit different moods and occasions.


Social and Community Aspect:
Cigar collecting is a social hobby that brings together like-minded individuals. Collectors often participate in cigar clubs, tasting events, and social gatherings where they share their passion, exchange cigars, and discuss the latest trends and discoveries in the cigar world.


Aesthetic and Display Appeal:
A well-curated cigar collection can be a beautiful addition to any home or office. Many collectors take pride in their humidors, cabinets, and display cases, showcasing their prized cigars as part of their personal style and taste.


Types of Cigars to Collect

Premium Hand-Rolled Cigars:
The most sought-after cigars are typically handmade, often using long-filler tobacco leaves for a superior smoking experience. These cigars are produced by renowned brands such as Cohiba, Montecristo, Arturo Fuente, and Davidoff, known for their consistent quality and craftsmanship.


Vintage Cigars:
Vintage cigars are older cigars that have been aged, sometimes for decades. Aging can enhance the flavor profile, making the cigar smoother and more complex. Vintage cigars are highly prized, especially those from discontinued lines or brands.


Limited Edition and Special Releases:
Many manufacturers release limited-edition cigars, often to celebrate anniversaries, special events, or collaborations. These cigars are typically produced in small quantities, making them rare and collectible. Examples include the Fuente Fuente OpusX, Padrón 1926 Series, and Cohiba Behike.


Cuban Cigars:
Cuban cigars are considered by many to be the pinnacle of quality and flavor. Due to the unique growing conditions in Cuba and the island's rich history of cigar-making, Cuban cigars like Cohiba, Partagás, Hoyo de Monterrey, and Romeo y Julieta are highly coveted by collectors worldwide.


Artisan and Boutique Brands:
Boutique cigar brands often produce small-batch cigars with unique blends and flavors. These cigars are crafted with great care and creativity, making them an exciting addition to any collection. Brands like Tatuaje, Illusione, and Warped are known for their innovative approaches.


Pre-Embargo Cuban Cigars:
Cigars produced in Cuba before the U.S. trade embargo of 1962 are considered rare and highly valuable. These cigars are prized not only for their quality but also for their historical significance. They are often sought after by serious collectors and investors.


Regional and Edición Limitada Releases:
Some cigar brands release special editions for specific regions or countries, known as Regional Editions. These cigars are often produced in limited quantities and feature unique blends, making them desirable for collectors looking for rare finds.


Rare and Obsolete Brands:
Brands that have gone out of business or discontinued certain lines can produce cigars that are highly sought after by collectors. These cigars are rare and may have a unique flavor profile not found in contemporary brands.


Humidor Collections:
Some cigar brands release special collections packaged in unique humidors or boxes, which can also be collectible. These humidors are often limited edition and are designed to be as appealing as the cigars they hold.


How to Start Collecting Cigars

Learn the Basics:
Educate yourself about the different types of cigars, their origins, and the factors that influence their flavors and quality. Books, online resources, cigar magazines, and cigar clubs are great ways to start learning.


Start Small and Build Gradually:
Begin your collection with a few premium cigars from well-known brands. This allows you to explore different flavor profiles and find what you enjoy most without making a significant initial investment.


Invest in Proper Storage:
Humidity and temperature control are critical to preserving cigars. Invest in a good-quality humidor to store your collection properly. Ensure the humidor maintains a constant humidity level (ideally between 65-70%) and a stable temperature (around 65-70°F or 18-21°C).


Focus on Your Interests:
Decide what type of cigars you want to collect. Whether you’re interested in Cuban cigars, boutique brands, or limited editions, having a specific focus can help you build a meaningful collection.


Join a Cigar Club or Community:
Join the ICA, which offers a vast selection of access opportunities to engage with other collectors and enthusiasts through local cigar clubs, online forums, or social media groups. This will help you learn more about cigars, discover new brands, and participate in trades or sales.


Attend Cigar Events and Tastings:
Many cigar shops and lounges host events, tastings, and festivals where collectors can meet, learn from industry experts, and sample new releases. These events are also great opportunities to acquire rare or limited-edition cigars.


Read Reviews and Stay Informed:
Follow cigar magazines, blogs, and websites to stay updated on the latest trends, new releases, and expert reviews. This information can help you make informed decisions when buying cigars for your collection.


When considering a purchase always practice due diligence. Once ready to begin your hunt, you can start with ICA Certified Retailers, the ICA Marketplace offered through the International Collectors Association (ICA), enthusiast websites, dealers, auctions, and various events like conventions, shows, and expos. Many of the most reputable resources are located in our resource Directory.


Tips for Maintaining Your Cigar Collection

Proper Humidity and Temperature Control:
Keep your cigars in a well-maintained humidor to preserve their flavor, aroma, and quality. Ensure that your humidor is properly seasoned and equipped with a reliable hygrometer to monitor humidity levels.


Rotate Your Stock:
Rotate your cigars periodically to ensure even aging and to prevent any from becoming too dry or overly humid. This is especially important if you have a large collection.


Keep Detailed Records:
Maintain a record of your collection, including purchase dates, storage conditions, and tasting notes. This helps you track the aging process and determine which cigars are ready to smoke or sell.


Avoid Overcrowding:
Don’t overfill your humidor, as this can restrict airflow and affect the humidity level, potentially damaging your cigars. Ensure there is adequate space between cigars for proper air circulation.


Protect Against Mold and Pests:
Regularly check your humidor for signs of mold, beetles, or other pests. If you notice any issues, address them immediately by isolating affected cigars and cleaning your humidor thoroughly.


Consider Aging:
Some cigars improve with age, developing more nuanced flavors and aromas. Be patient with certain cigars, allowing them to age for a few months or even years to reach their full potential.


Investment Potential in Cigar Collecting

While collecting cigars is primarily a passion-driven hobby, there can be significant investment potential, especially for rare, limited-edition, or vintage cigars. Pre-embargo Cuban cigars, limited-edition releases from renowned brands, and rare cigars in excellent condition can fetch high prices at auctions or private sales. Proper storage and careful selection can enhance your collection’s value over time.


Collecting cigars is a sophisticated and rewarding hobby that offers a rich blend of history, culture, craftsmanship, and personal enjoyment. Whether you are drawn to the flavors and aromas of premium hand-rolled cigars, the allure of vintage or limited-edition releases, or the social aspects of the cigar community, there is much to explore and enjoy. By starting small, educating yourself, and connecting with other enthusiasts, you can build a collection that reflects your unique tastes and celebrates the art of fine cigars.

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